2024. 09. 06 

Reference : Maeil Business Newspaper




Additionally, the company plans to establish an teleradiology center in Indonesia



HealthHub, a leading medical imaging solutions company, hosted a symposium inviting radiology experts from the Asia-Pacific region. The company aims to contribute to the expansion of telemedicine in the region through strong cooperation.


On September 5th, HealthHub held a symposium titled "Challenges and Opportunities in Radiology in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific Region" at the Seoul Garden Hotel, inviting radiology experts from South Korea, Indonesia, Japan, and Vietnam. Kang Dae-hee, former dean of Seoul National University College of Medicine, delivered the opening remarks, and Joo Chang-eon, former CEO of Canon Medical Systems Korea, served as the moderator.



The first speaker, Dr. Nurdopo Baskoro, president of the Indonesian Society of Radiology (PDSRKI), presented on the challenges and opportunities in radiology in Indonesia. Professor Aziza Ghanie, president of the Indonesian Thoracic Radiology Society, shed light on the future of teleradiology and artificial intelligence (AI) in radiology.


Professor Norio Nakata from the Radiology Department of Jikei University Hospital in Japan, the third speaker, presented on the current trends of teleradiology and AI in Japan. Yoshitomo Furusawa, CEO of CVIS (Cardiovascular Imaging Science) in Japan, presented on the trends in teleradiology technology, focusing on cases of cardiovascular imaging centers in Japan and China. Finally, Professor Sung Dong-wook, co-director of the Korean Society of Radiology, presented on the current status and future prospects of teleradiology in Korea.


More than 10 Indonesian radiology specialists, including Dr. Vonny Nouva, a member of the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) and a professor of radiology at Hermina Hospital, attended the symposium and exchanged opinions on cooperation in the field of radiology between Indonesia and Korea.


Kim Ki-pung, CEO of HealthHub, who hosted the event, said in his closing remarks, "This symposium has more than just academic exchange. I am confident that the 'AI-based teleradiology center' scheduled to be established in Jakarta, Indonesia, will be the starting point for the expansion of telemedicine exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region."



He added, "Since 2023, HealthHub has been supplying medical image reading solutions to over 30 major hospitals in Indonesia. To meet the urgent demand for medical image reading in the medical field, we are promoting the construction of a teleradiology platform for all medical institutions in Indonesia. To this end, we have reached an agreement with relevant government agencies (LPMRKI, the Ministry of Health's radiology training center), PDSRKI, and others."



지난 5일 서울 마포구 서울가든호텔에서 열린 아태지역 원격판독 전문가 초청 심포지엄에서 헬스허브 김기풍 대표이사가 아태지역의 원격의료 확산과 인도네시아 원격판독센터 비전에 대해서 설명하고 있다. 사진 제공=헬스허브.
Kim Ki-pung, CEO of HealthHub, explaining the vision of expanding telemedicine in the Asia-Pacific region and the Indonesia teleradiology center at the Asia-Pacific Teleradiology Expert Invitation Symposium held at the Seoul Garden Hotel in Mapo-gu, Seoul on September 5th.


The Indonesian government is actively supporting telemedicine and teleradiology as part of its national policy of digital transformation in the medical field. The strategy is to solve the problem of a severe shortage of medical image reading services compared to the population of 280 million.


Kim said that through the symposium, where major Indonesian hospital radiology specialists participated, and the establishment of the teleradiology center in Indonesia, he would strengthen cooperation between radiology experts in Indonesia, Korea, and Japan. He said, "This is an opportunity to announce the start of the expansion of telemedicine in the Asia-Pacific region. HealthHub plans to provide various AI solutions that support rapid medical image reading, as well as our own developed teleradiology platform, to Indonesia."


지난 5일 서울 마포구 서울가든호텔에서 열린 아태지역 영상의학 전문가 초청 심포지엄에 참석한 (좌측 하단 첫 번째부터) 헬스허브 김기풍 대표이사, 일본 CVIS요시모토 후루사와 대표, 일본 지케이대학병원 노리오 나카타 교수, 인도네시아 흉부영상의학회 회장 아지자 교수, 인도네시아 의료영상전문의협회 회장 바스코로 박사, 서울대학교 의과대학 전 학장 강대희 교수, 인도네시아 텔레나신도 리얀토 대표, 케논메디칼시스템즈코리아 주창언 전 대표이사 및 영상의학 전문가 등이 기념 촬영을 하고 있다. 사진 제공=헬스허브.
Kim Ki-pung, CEO of HealthHub, Yoshitomo Furusawa, CEO of CVIS Japan, Professor Norio Nakata of Jikei University Hospital in Japan, Professor Aziza Ghanie, president of the Indonesian Thoracic Radiology Society, Dr. Baskoro, president of the Indonesian Society of Radiology, Professor Kang Dae-hee, former dean of Seoul National University College of Medicine, Dr. Rianto of Telenasindo Indonesia, former CEO Joo Chang-eon of Canon Medical Systems Korea, and radiology experts are taking a commemorative photo at the Asia-Pacific Teleradiology Expert Invitation Symposium held at the Seoul Garden Hotel in Mapo-gu, Seoul on September 5th.